Othmar Motter
1927 - 2010
In 1952 Othmar Motter, together with Hans Kaiser and Sylvester Licka, founded the graphic art studio Vorarlberger Graphik (VG).
In the early 1970ies he designs four display fonts for Berthold (D) and Letraset (GB). Ever since then they have been in use worldwide. In the following two decades Othmar Motter, the allrounder, interrupts the producing of typefaces. Instead he distinguishes himself with international publications on corporate design. He wins several competitions.
In the 1990ies he returns to type design.
The fonts Motter Sparta, Motter Festival and Motter Corpus are published by ITC (USA), by Monotype (GB) and by AGFA Linotype respectivelyty Fontshop (D). In 1995 Othmar Motter becomes an honorary member of the Austrian design organisation. He is awarded the Prize for Art and Science of Vorarlberg.
In the first decade of this century he expands the fonts Motter Ombra and Motter Femina relating to their digitalisation. Prior to his death in 2010 his work is honored by a publication “Othmar Motter. Eine Leidenschaft für Schrift″ (“Othmar Motter. Fond of fonts“), published by Design Austria in 2011.
You can order it on: www.designaustria.at